• John Watkins
    John Watkins
    This photo is my favorite of 2015. It was taken in Grand Teton National Park at String Lake late in July on the third night out shooting. We caught an incredible break where the water was clear as a mirror and just before some clouds rolled in. I really like the photo because how it shows the majesty of the Teton Range, and the contrast of sky, stars, mountains and water. I also like the photo because of its symmetry, the incredible reflections and the airglow so prevalent in the Tetons at summer.
  • Jennifer Lee
    Jennifer Lee
    This year started with a huge change. After 25 years in Western Washington we said good-bye and moved to Hawaii. Sadly, Oahu suffers from awful light pollution, and makes night shooting a constant challenge. A trip to the "Big Island" was a welcome change. This year I was able to see active lava lake bubbling from Kilauea main crater. In this image the lava glow trails into the stars and reminds me just how amazing a place this is.
  • Glen Murray
    Glen Murray
    Back in 2012 on a photography tour through Utah, Nevada and Arizona a friend and I came across Natural Bridges National Monument...one of the world's first certified dark sky parks. I'd never heard such a park o and didn't know anything about Astrophotography. In the information centre I saw a National Geographic award winning image of this Natural Bridge with the Milky Way shooting across it and couldn't stop staring at it.