Brent Davis
This is my favorite, for sentimental reasons as much as anything. I try to include one or all three of my dogs in my travels, which quite honestly make night photography in the backcountry quite challenging. For the Perseids I had a permit to go backpacking in the southern Sierras with one of my dogs but when we got over there the smoke from the Rough fire was really bad. So I went to Plan B which entailed going home for my paddle board and heading out on a different adventure. I paddled out to a small island in the middle of a lake in the Sierras, with my dog, camping gear, and camera gear. We had the island to ourselves, and photographically I had the good fortune to have some campfires on the far shore to make the image a little more interesting. The meteor shower was not as good as previous years, but it was still a great evening. Any time that I can get out in the backcountry with the dogs in tow is good adventure.See more of Brent’s work by visiting his website.