We spent a lot of time saving and planning. We tried to make a Plan B for what to do if the main plan went wrong. But what if you did everything under your power to achieve success and then go down swinging anyway?
In this brief tutorial, we’re going to cover one of our most asked questions, “How do I find the Milky Way?”
We are heading back to finish the Pacific Crest Trail! How do we plan to take pictures throughout our 1,300 mile long journey?
We just wrapped up four amazing sold out workshops in southern Utah. Two months parked in the fast lane of hustling and bustling Moab made for some great photo opportunities and interesting experiences.
Located in the Wallowa Mountains, Eagle Cap Wilderness is filled with some of the darkest skies and the most beautiful alpine lakes in the Pacific Northwest.
‘Beyond the Rim’ was selected as the cover of Cascade A&E’s January 2013 issue and includes an interview for the featured article written by Jeff Spry.
My latest time-lapse video depicts an alternate perspective by giving us the illusion of times movement, signifying a beginning and end within a world of constant contradiction.
Nighted Vail is the Grand Prize Winner of Outdoor Photographer Magazine’s 3rd Annual Great Outdoors Photography Contest and will be published in the July 2012 issue.
My pack is waaaayy too heavy!! I had every intention of trying to lose some pack weight, but somehow it seems just as heavy as when we left the Muir Trail Ranch last year. If you recall, this leg of the PCT was our longest between resupplies.